Q&A over trucks, grootse plannen, de Coronacrisis en meer | #ITSMYDRIVE

Q&A over trucks, grootse plannen, de Coronacrisis en meer | #ITSMYDRIVE

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Hey, welcome to #ITSMYDRIVE!
I have a Q&A for you todayin other words a 'questions and answers'
I held a poll via Instagramwho was looking forward to such a video
Well, 96% said yesYou then submitted questions
I have bundled themand I'm going to go through that with you
I start with #ITSMYDRIVE in general
First, three questions
which actually amount to the same thingHow long have you been doing this job?
How did you get to this job?
And how did you get into the truck world like that?
For those who don't know yet:In 2012
so that's eight years agoI was as a car enthusiast
in the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg, Swedenand of course there are also trucks on display
Then I thought:what does Volvo Trucks have to do with cars
and it is great and powerfulI jokingly take it in
so I climbed in* meow *
got behind the wheeland then I knew:
this is it!
I want to get my truck driving license!
And I think meanwhile Lippe stands for thedoor
WaitAre you coming?
Hey ...
The question was also answered immediately:with whom do you spend the quarantine time?
Especially with this friendBye...
OkayWhere was I?
Euhm ..
Oh yeah!
From that moment on, the ball started to rollI received a gift voucher
for a test driving lesson on the truckI eventually have it
redeemed only one year laterFrom that moment on, lessons start
and of course also passed my theory for thatI did that with self-study
I was working at the timein the insurance world
I really did something completely differentBut I felt such an enormous drive
so 'drive'to learn more about the transport world
to find outand I thought:
if I like it so muchto drive truck
then that should probably also applyfor truck drivers
And I found it very annoying
that there was so much negativity
around the image of drivers
"Those are just guys"
"They are all fat"
"And they all eat meatballs"
Well, blah blah blah
I thought: no, I want to experience it for myself
see and hear for yourself
and come on
You know, I just go blank everywhere
and bring up your story
and let me experience it
and then I will make my own judgment about it
I thought at first:
I want to do some brand representation for the truck brands
I'll put this aside
I thought: yes, then I also need to know what I'm talking about
So then I started a kind of exploration
So that was also the first time on my own to the Truckstar Festival
and to Transport Complete
and all that kind of events and gatherings
That is also how my network has grown
And basically everything I did
I already shared that on social media
and that has grown to what it is today
and I feel it is only now beginning
In the meantime, the name #ITSMYDRIVE has emerged
and I registered it as an official trademark
The first merchandise items have of course arrived
And the intention is to expand that further
and also to say:
dude, just do what you like
and don't let that stop you
by what others say about it
If you like something you like and get energy from it
Show it and tell others
and inspire others with it
And I would really like the merchandise
as I have it now in the webshop
if that can contribute to that
That you can show with that
with a key ring or mud flap ...
"This is what I love; this gives me energy '
And yes...
"I don't care what others think about it"
"It's my life and this is it"
So go for it
It is my motivation
It is my path that I walk
And at the same time it also has to do with me
the actual driving
So far for that question!
Then the question I get very often
but I really don't like it:
How do you like to be in this 'men's world' as a woman?
I really want to emphasize that I am not doing that at all
And as long as we keep saying it's a man's world, we also believe it is
There are simply fewer women on the truck
But yeah...
I really don't like that
All I just notice is that I
just like with Frans Op Den Bult
actually always have nice people around me
And then I don't care if you're husband, wife, or whatever
For me it is about person to person
So yes, that's how I am
How do you like driving a truck?
I already have that from the beginning
From the moment I got behind the wheel
for the first time
to the rides I got to do
and that is still true
It gives a very powerful feeling
to have responsibility for the vehicle
about your position on the road
your freight, of course
your fellow road users
It is true that I actually drive too little
I think
to really call me a truck driver
Look, I have my CE driving license with Code 95
so I can do it
and occasionally I do that too
but actually too little
Anyway, that's also because I put the priority on other points
I think it is a nice question
Of course it is sometimes a bit exciting
I also notice: the longer I have not driven
the more difficult it is to maneuver backwards, for example
I really just have to get used to that
But yeah, you know ...
I think it's something ...
In the end, you don't forget it
Once you can
then it is just like skating and cycling
then you can
And then, uh ... yes ...
You can go
Then the question: have you seen all of Europe?
Well, not by truck anyway
From the press trips that I have already been able to attend
I have already seen quite a few countries
and of course have been on holiday in various European countries in the past
With the truck mainly ...
Germany, the Netherlands of course, Belgium, Luxembourg and France
So there are still some countries on my wish list
for that matter
Incidentally, with the press trips, of course
also actually driven every time
Much in Spain, Sweden,
Norway, of course, not to forget
Scania Winterdrive
I also got the question:
Wouldn't you like to tour Europe by truck part-time?
Yes, insofar as this is possible part-time
I quite like that, but not just yet
I would like that eventually
I have not really experienced distribution work myself
But that seems really tough to me
And I think I'm just more of the type of:
Make four and a half hours - as far as possible
just put gas on it
drive on
and eat a lot of miles
So yes, I don't rule it out for the future
Which might be nice to know
is that my greatest wish is
to tour Europe with your own truck and trailer
And I have to tell you
that I would do that right now
Only the Corona crisis has thrown a spanner in the works
In collaboration with all kinds of partners and sponsors
I would then tour Europe through September
The tour would end at the IAA in Hanover
But yes, that is not possible now
that is not possible now
It was a big project
Put in a lot of time
And I'm just hopeful now
that I could still do that in the spring of 2021
And that's what I'm going for anyway
The plans were there, quite concretely
Only it is different now
It is all different now
That's life, it's all part of it
Then the question:
What other work do you do besides vlogging?
Well, it is true that I assume it
anyway not really see as work
#ITSMYDRIVE is just my life
all my time is also in it
It gives me a lot of energy to be busy with it
I just really enjoy it
It is one big development and discovery process
And I think that's fantastic
Uploading videos on YouTube
is not an end in itself for me
because I see it more as a means
to share my experiences, tell stories
and sometimes also convey information
Well, what do I do next ...
Well, of course I write
for various truck and transport magazines
That means that I can write articles for that every now and then
truck tests
interviews may be conducted
and write other stories
I can also write columns every now and then
Of course I also make videos on behalf of companies
and that may be for my channel
but that can also be for their social media channels
or other utterances
Enne ... Yes, what else do I do ...
Yes, of course manage the webshop!
So come up with products
ensure that it is on the webshop
and also pack the packages neatly every day
handwritten card included
And I really hope I can keep doing that for a long time
That's just cool
Every time I receive an order again
then I think again:
Cool, man! That just goes around the world!
And that gives a lot of energy!
And then the last question of this card:
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Do you still have your company as it is now, or are you on a truck full-time?
Wow ....
Euhm ...
I find that a difficult question
because I understand you have to make plans
and put dots on the horizon
But I have experienced it over the years
that a five-year term ...
I can't do anything with that
That is far too far ahead
Sometimes things just change day by day
Sure I have things I would like to do
or that I ever want to reach again
But I also know that you just ...
have to adjust so often in the meantime
that it makes no sense to me anyway
to really make a five-year plan
So I also look more at
what can I do now
and what do i want in short
and possibly reach the medium term
but five years is too far away
And I have no idea how life will go
Yes, I really hope to drive more in the end
in whatever form
Don't forget that the landscape will really change in the near future
So I do not know
For the time being I will at least continue with #ITSMYDRIVE
because I still have so many plans
and I just want to implement it first
and other so a European tour
That being said:
it is the intention that if I go through Europe
that it will be made a documentary
I don't want to reveal everything yet
but at least know that I am doing really big things
and I sincerely hope that it will get off the ground
So thumbs up!
That was it for #ITSMYDRIVE in general
Then we continue with the piece 'Corona crisis'
But not before we have coffee
Because now I get quite a dry mouth
of all that talk ...
Then the theme: 'Corona crisis'
The first question I received about this is:
You are doing well, personally and professionally
because everyone was affected by this crisis?
Well, I think that's a very sweet question
Thank you!
I just try to look at it very positively and think in terms of opportunities
And in that sense I just consider myself lucky to have a roof over my head
that I can still do the shopping
that I had built up a small buffer
I have good contacts with people
my family is still healthy
So for that matter, yes, you know ...
What is there to complain about?
All assignments and projects that were scheduled have all been canceled
And that really just means no income right away
Fortunately, the webshop orders still go through
so I'm really happy with your support (!!!)
All in all, it is not an ideal situation
And what frustrates me in that
is that I will start this year
have been really sick for a long time
I've had whooping cough and I still notice it
because my condition has deteriorated enormously
Fortunately, I can now exercise again
and I really do that every day
so I can rebuild it little by little
but that makes it quite scary somewhere
I am definitely not going to let fear rule my life
but I am a bit afraid of it
suppose I get the virus somehow
are my lungs strong enough to handle that?
And is my condition good enough at that moment to handle that?
So I find that exciting
But yes, what I just said:
Voake buj too frightened
I don't want to let fear rule my life
so I just don't dwell on that too long
Then it's just whooping cough I've had
Everything can be put into perspective
That's how I stand
I try to approach it positively
think in opportunities
and yes, just do what i can do
And actually after that:
How do you fill in your time / what are you doing now that your income has been lost?
And how did you solve it with your work related to the Corona crisis?
So after my agenda was cleared
I sat down at the drawing board
and I made a plan B for myself
and possibly also a plan C.
Well, so far I'm in plan B.
and that means that I try to maintain my daily rhythm as much as possible
Part of plan B includes picking up some overdue editing work
So, for example, footage from last year that you haven't seen at all
to finally make videos of it
so they will arrive
I had a lot of other ideas and things that I finally get to work out well
I'm trying to set up some new collaborations
I am buying new merchandise
So really focus on the webshop again soon
so I can hopefully continue to grow in that
and can provide you with new items
and cool things are coming!
So keep an eye on it all, please
Actually in line with that also the question:
What do you live on now?
And are you not economically bottoming out?
Well, there is a lot to be done if I want to get to the bottom
But, um ...
I always think: everything is relative again
there are so many people with whom it is more poignant
And I'm just really lucky to think in opportunities
and can also seize opportunities
and that I have my webshop
Sure I buy less now
and of course I don't make big expenses
I can't spend money that isn't there
So I consciously do my shopping
It's just a matter of smart trading
and thinking in chances and seizing opportunities
At least that's how I am
And, yes ...
You know, some things just belong to life
I really think it depends on how your mindset is
so how you think about it and deal with it yourself
how to face those kinds of challenges
It's such a cliché, but in the end you take that further
and you just learn a lot from it
And I find that fascinating about this
and I also got a question about that:
What have you learned from this time?
And what do you hope to achieve this year?
Look, what I learn very much
is that mindset is already half of a solution, often
What I mentioned earlier:
you should not be guided by fear
or at least not let yourself be ruled by that
Ultimately, you are responsible for most of your life
so please make something good out of it
The question: what do you hope to achieve this year?
Well, I hope anyway that #ITSMYDRIVE is still there
and even experienced growth at the end of the year
That my 'overdue' work has been updated
That I have provided you with cool videos
of footage from last year that you don't know yet
That my webshop has grown with new articles
And that I am ready for 2021
I hope to have achieved this this year
And I think we should just get through that whole crisis together
and please let us just use our common sense
Not only now, during this crisis, but also afterwards
And I just hope we have certain values ​​that we now experience and live with each other
that we can keep that
And that we don't go back to old patterns
Yes, so, that.
I can say a lot about it, but then it will all be too long
We move on to the next theme
The next topic is 'Projects / new vlogs'
Actually, the questions are somewhat similar
When are you going with a company or person with a ride?
When will there be another video in which your truck will drive
and I don't mean a test drive, but like the double-manned ride to France?
When are you going to make another video with Sjaak van Gestel, with his Renault Magnum?
And when do you go along with a mobile crane, because that is also part of transport?
At the moment all that just isn't going to happen because of the Coronacriis
But there is a project that we would also carry out during this period
that has shifted
to go with different types of transport
with different types of drivers
really experience the work yourself
and also just to hear from the drivers:
what drives you in the work you do?
what do you like, what do you dislike?
and for me also to experience if it would be something for me
Because I think I should only be able to judge it if I have experienced it myself
So that's going to happen anyway
So videos are definitely coming
The following also applies: plenty of plans, time shortage
But we need to get the Corona crisis behind us before I can do things like that again
And I got the question:
How can we invite you to join us for a day?
Well, I would say email me
And then let's take a look at that ...
Well, other questions I received:
and this is really random
Do you always wash your car by hand, or do you sometimes secretly take the car wash?
In principle, I always wash my car by hand
and sometimes I make it easy
by just hosing it off in the washing box
When I am very busy and have little time
then I sometimes decide to pass through the car wash
When are we going to shoot 1.5 meter photos?
Thanks for the question, Sebastiaan Doyer!
We are going to shoot photos very quickly because I will receive new merchandise next week
We'll just pick it up and I'll call you
Is it Mercedes or Volvo? I was asked a a question
And also: what do you like the best truck?
I am not going to comment on what I prefer
But, and people know that too ...
Look, my entire # ITSMYDRIVE adventure started with Volvo Trucks, of course
So in that sense, that brand just always has a special place in my heart
For three years, in both the Netherlands and Germany, I was allowed to drive a campage for Renault Trucks
So that is the brand that I actually know best and have driven the most kilometers
Ultimately, each brand simply has its own character and driving characteristics
and it depends on what you bet the car on, so the type of transport
what your own frame of reference is, what you like yourself
whether or not a brand suits you
So yes, I can't comment on that further
All I can do is share my experiences
and show you what such a truck looks like inside and out
and how it drives
So yes...
Then another nice question:
Are we going to have dinner together when that whole puppet show (Corona) is over?
Well I would like to make a series where I stop at truck stops / roadside restaurants
for example, go prick a meatball with someone
So yeah, who knows ...
Then I ask what I find a bit difficult to answer
because, the question is:
Can you get behind the wheel with 1.60 meters? Before I'm smashed by friends ...
Well, the latter is of course not intended to happen anyway
I do not know; I am 1.87 meters, so that makes a difference
I do know someone who is quite small and who drives a Renault Magnum, how ironically
Look, you are of course also boarding; can you reach the handles to hold on to?
You just have to take a good look at your steering and seat settings
And what can also be difficult is with box trucks
then you often have in the back, when the tailgate is open
then you have to open such a flap at the top, I remember that from driving lessons
and you just have to be able to access it
and not only to throw it open, but also to close the loop again
But the most important thing, I just think:
think in opportunities and look at what is possible
And for the same money, perhaps work in a low cabin is for you
Just try it!
I'd love to hear your findings, please let me know when the time comes
Then the last question of this card and it surprised me a bit:
When will you present the award ceremony of the Truckstar Festival?
Unfortunately, the Truckstar Festival will not take place this year due to the Corona crisis
I think it would be fun to do; i will contact them ;-)
The last card again, the private questions
Man ... Pooh!
Wait a second...
One of the easiest questions: how old are you?
Well I was recently estimated by Frans Op Den Bult in the parking lot by 26 boys
I think that is very sweet, but unfortunately; that time is already behind me
I was born in 1987 and currently 32 years old, almost 33
Are you in a relationship and with whom do you spend the quarantine time?
Well, let me put it this way:
i am not looking for a relationship
and I spend most of the quarantine time with my cat named Lippe
I am very fond of my own time, my own space and being alone
but still I am very happy that the cat occasionally provides a bit of distraction
And of course, contact via app, video calling and things like that also continues
with family and with other people
But no, I'm not looking for a relationship ...
So, then you know that ...
What do you think about bald men?
I don't have to think about that, right? :-)
If you have that as a hairstyle of your own free will: above all, do good
If it is necessary: ​​in my opinion you do not change that as a person
If you are sweet ...
And, uh ...
does what you like
And other people ...
Are good to other people ...
Are good to yourself ...
Yes like that
Are good to yourself and good to others
Then I really don't care if you are bald, have curls, have long hair or how you ...
I don't care what you look like
If you are just human and are a good person, then ...
Yes, fascinating!
I don't know if I should read this question as:
Do you prefer to wear a dress or a skirt?
Or if: do you wear more a dress or a skirt?
Well, I have them in the closet, but I don't like to wear it
because I just don't always feel good about it
Just give me jeans and a basic t-shirt and I'm happy
I especially just want to wear what I feel comfortable in
Because the moment I have something I am not comfortable with or cannot move freely
then I feel impeded and that just doesn't work for me
By the way, this is a men's shirt ...
And finally a question from Norway
The question is:
Is it going well? You can answer in Norwegian or Swedish
In other words: I can answer in Norwegian or Swedish
Well, there it comes (this is really being treated):
Yes, I'm doing fine! Thank you
It is currently somewhat challenging because of the Corona crisis
But I know: everything will be fine in the end
And I hope you are doing well too
So, I would say, take care of yourself!
Was it good like that? Or..?
Okay, this was the Q&A
I would say make something beautiful out of your day
Make something beautiful out of your life anyway
I'll see you again soon with video footage from last year
Keep an eye on the webshop, because nice things are coming up, new products
And, uh ...
Thanks for looking!
Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and like and comment and ...
Well, who knows, maybe we'll do another video soon
But it all takes way too long ...
So I think it's quite like this

In deze video beantwoord ik de vragen die ik recent via Instagram van jullie heb gekregen. Over het ontstaan van #ITSMYDRIVE, hoe ik met de Coronacrisis omga, wat ik nog meer doe naast vloggen, wat mijn privésitatie is en nog veel meer! Dit is dus een andere video dan jullie van mij gewend zijn, al denk ik wel dat jullie mij er iets beter door leren kennen. Vind je het niets? Kijk gerust een van mijn andere video's... :-) ***** Official #ITSMYDRIVE merchandise: https://www.itsmydrive.com/shop/ Social media: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmydrive/ Twitter https://twitter.com/itsmydrive Facebook https://www.facebook.com/itsmydrive Website https://www.itsmydrive.com/ PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/itsmydrive 'Find out what drives you, discover your path and enjoy the ride!' #ITSMYDRIVE® ***** Product placement: Travel mug https://www.itsmydrive.com/product/thermo-travel-mug/