Macam mana nak buat meatball Ikea #halal/ Swedish meatball

Macam mana nak buat meatball Ikea #halal/ Swedish meatball

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Ingredients for meatballs
3 tbsp breadcrumbs
3 tbsp fresh milk
mix well and leave it for 10 minutes
minced 1 clove of garlic
finely chopped 1 large onion
add 2 tbsp olive oil to a medium heat pan
add the chopped onion
sauté until wilted
add the minced garlic
1 tsp dried oregano
sauté till become aromatic
take if off from heat and put it aside
500gm good quality minced meat
add the sautéd ingredients
crack one medium size egg
mix it well
lastly add the soaked breadcrumbs
add 1 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp freshly grind blackpepper
rolling up the meatballs
you need a little bit of water
a baking pan lined with baking sheet
wet your hand with water
take a table spoonful of minced meat
a roll it up into a small ball
add about 3 tbsp of olive oil to medium heat pan
line the meatballs around the pan
not too close to each other
gently flip the meatballs
you can move the pan around
repeat with the rest of meatballs
for the sauce , 400ml of hot water add 1 beef stock cube
with medium heat pan add 50gm of butter
add 2 tbsp all purpose flour
let the flour cook thru and stir continuously
once it stop bubbling add the beef stock
continue to stir gently
reduced the heat to the minimum ..
add 1/2 cup of cooking cream
stir in the cream with minimal heat
2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp mustard sauce
mix it up with gentle simmer
add the cooked meatballs
simmer for another 5-10 minutes
add salt and black pepper to taste
have it with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta ...
the meatball is soft and juicy and the sauce has creamy deep flavor with tinge of tartness from the mustard.
enjoy it ! don't forget to like and subscribe
see you on the next one ..

All time favorite bila pergi Ikea kan... now tak payah sesak-sesak dah.. senang je buat kat rumah... boleh simpan lebih. Bahan-bahan : 500gm daging kisar (kalau beli yang kualiti bagus ..lagi sedap) 3 sudu besar breadcrumbs 3 sudu besar susu segar 1 alas bawang putih 1 ulas bawang besar(holland) 1 sudu kecil dried oregano 1 biji telur Until sos ; 400ml air panas + 1 kiub stok daging 50gm mentega 2 sudu besar tepung gandum 1/2 cawan cream (cooking cream) 2 sudu kecil sos worcestershire 1 sudu kecil sos mustard olive oil garam dan lada hitam secukup rasa