CWTK - Swedish Meatballs / Köttbullar

CWTK - Swedish Meatballs / Köttbullar

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Making swedish meatballs is easy, just mix a bunch of stuff together and roll it into little balls. #CWTK #Meatballs #Mr_Zoren Meatballs: Minced Meat 400-500gram One Egg One Onion Crubmbled Bread almost 1dl Milk almost 1dl *mustard *cayennepepper/birdseyechille *Pick whatever spices you like. Mix together, let rest for 5-10min and roll into balls. Sauce: Milk Cream and Liquid Baby Moomoo / Liquid daddy Moomoo perfered Salt lots of salt Potaotmash: Potato Milk Butter Mash it.