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Yang udah pernah ke Ikea dan makan di sana pasti tau dong yah makanan ini. Emang makanan ini makanan wajib banget buat dicoba. Bumbu rempah yang khas, ditambah saus gravy yang gurih dan sedikit manis, nyaaam banget. Kemarin-kemarin kebetulan ada sisa daging cincang, akhirnya saya nyobain deh. Ada banyak resep swedish meatballs ini. Ada yang pake roti, breadcrumbs, atau bahkan tepung. Karena saya punyanya breadcrumbs, yaudah pake yang itu aja. Metode masaknya pun ada yang dipanggang langsung, ada juga yang ditumis dulu. Saya pake cara yang ditumis karena menurut saya bakal lebih juicy. Jadi, resep ini adalah perpaduan dari resep aslinya Ikea, Channel Food Wishes dan Hasilnya, meatballsnya empuk dan berempah. Sausnya juga rasanya pas, ada gurih dan manisnya. Ditambah mashed potato yang creamy dan buttery, enaaak. Kurangnya cuma lingonberry jam aja nih karena susah nyarinya. Mungkin bisa diganti selai lain yang mirip rasanya tapi saya nggak pake. Pake sambal dan saus tomat botolan juga cukup :D RESEP SWEDISH MEATBALLS Untuk : 2 porsi Bahan-bahan : BOLA DAGING (Untuk 14 buah / 2 porsi) 250g daging cincang 1 sdm (15ml) susu 1/2 (25g) telur 1 1/2 sdm (17g) tepung panir 3/4 sdt bawang bombay bubuk (atau 20g bawang bombay ditumis dengan butter) 1/2 sdt garam 1/4 sdt merica hitam sejumput pala bubuk sejumput all spice 2 sdm mentega + 2 sdm minyak goreng 60ml kaldu sapi SAUS 1 sdm mentega 1 sdm tepung terigu kaldu bekas manggang bola daging + 200ml kaldu sapi 30ml krim kental 1/8 sdt gula 1/8 sdt garam 1/8 sdt merica 1/4 sdt kecap inggris 1 sdt kecap manis KENTANG TUMBUK (Untuk : 600g) 500g kentang, rebus 125ml krim kental 50g mentega 1/4 sdt garam 1/4 sdt merica Untuk lebih gampang liat resep-resep yang lain, bisa dilihat di playlist Youtube : -------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who have been to Ikea and eat there must be know this dish. This dish is really a must-try dish. That special spices and a tasty sauce that has a combination of salty and sweet flavor, really yuuum. Yesterday it happened that I have a leftover minced beef, so finally I tried to make this dish. There are many Swedish Meatballs recipes. Some are use bread, breadcrumbs, or even flour. Because I have breadcrumbs at that time, so I just use that recipe. Beside that, there are a cooking methods that are directly bake the meatballs, some are pan-fry it first. I used the recipe that using a pan-fry method because I think it will make the meatballs more juicy. So, this recipe is a mix of an original Ikea recipes, Food Wishes channel and and As a result, the meatballs are tender and you can taste that spices. The sauce also tastes perfect, there are savory and sweet combination. Plus creamy and buttery mashed potato, deliciouuus. The only thing that missing is the lingonberry jam because it's hard to find it here. Maybe it can be substituted with other jam that tastes similar but I don't use it. Just using a chili sauce and tomato ketchup is good enough for me :D SWEDISH MEATBALLS RECIPE Makes about : 2 servings Ingredients : MEATBALLS (Makes about 14 balls / 2 servings) 250g (8.8oz) minced beef 1 sdm (15ml) milk 1/2 (25g) egg 1 1/2 tbsp (17g) breadcrumb 3/4 tsp dry minced onion (or 20g onion sauteed with butter) 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper pinch of nutmeg pinch of all spice 2 tbsp butter + 2 tbsp oil 60ml (1/4cup) beef broth SAUCE 1 tbsp butter 1 tbsp flour the beef broth that used when baking the meatballs + 200ml (3/4cup + 1 tbsp) beef broth 30ml (2 tbsp) heavy cream 1/8 tsp sugar 1/8 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp worcestershire sauce 1 tsp sweet soy sauce MASHED POTATO (Makes about 600g) 500g (1lb) potato, boiled 125ml (1/2 cup) heavy cream 50g (3 1/2tbsp) butter 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper To find the other recipes easier, you can find it on my Youtube playlist : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram : Facebook : Twitter : Pinterest : Blog : #resepswedishmeatballs #swedishmeatballsrecipe Panama Hat by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: